This Professional Development Course Provides Step-by-Step Guidance to Ensure Students are Knowledgeable and Proficient in Nonprofit Practices, Regulations, Management, as well as Understanding of Grant and/or Contract Readiness.

Eligibility is the Essential First Step

There are billions of dollars available through government agencies and major corporations to help seed and support good works through community groups, non-profits, faith-based and similar organizations.

Your organization or business must be eligible to be considered for or to receive funding. This course will guide cohort groups of organizational leaders through the tedious process of establishing the essential resources and organizational foundation required to submit responsive funding applications.


Our proprietary experience-based curriculum was created from 30 years of nonprofit, grant writing and funding experience in support of grassroots economic development, education, and youth initiatives in underserved communities. This course is intensive, comprehensive, and designed to meet the specific need for capacity building within new and early-stage organizations so they can maximize impact in their respective communities.

The curriculum block is dynamic. As you add curriculum to your course, you'll see it automatically populate here.